Why India?

By hosting Web3 Carnival in India, we're fostering global collaborations, celebrating cultural diversity, and empowering an ecosystem of innovation.

App screenshot
why india
Product screenshotIndia's Digital Revolution:
Join us on a journey to exhibit India's influence on the global digital revolution. We invite you to the Web3 Carnival to witness how this nation of abundant innovation is redefining the future of technology.
Product screenshotNext Wave of Transformation:
Experience the journey of digital transformation in one of the world's fastest-growing nations. Capture amazing insights into the evolving landscape that's shaping industries across India.
Product screenshotIndia: The Web3 Powerhouse:
Be part of this groundbreaking event that showcases India's remarkable rise as a Web3 powerhouse. Immerse yourself in the amazing conferences across all the Web3 facets.
Product screenshotRemarkable Growth of Women in Tech:
Witness the remarkable surge of women in tech as they shape and influence the Web3 landscape. Web3 Carnival is a tribute to their achievements and an invitation for all to be part of an inclusive tech future.

Join the Future at Web3 Carnival

Gear up to be captivated by the ultimate fusion of the latest technology, culture, and innovation at Web3 Carnival India. This 7-day event series is your gateway to a world where possibilities are endless and where India's influence in the Web3 sphere takes centre stage.

Host your own Side Event